4999 Av. Primera Junta, Munro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Lun-Vie 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

+54 11 5217 9865

+54 11 5217 9866


MAS Account

The Mas ERP is a company resources planification system that allows to manage the informantion that integrates and automates a lot of the practiques from the business asociated with the operatives and productives aspects from a company;

It allows to manage the follow areas through the informatic system:

  • accounting

  • Cash

  • Clients

  • Providers

  • Products

  • Banks

  • Diary

  • Stock

  • Human relationship

  • Operations

  • Stadistics

  • CRM

New chances.

highest cont efectiveness

If your priority is that your company increase his potential you can use the best tools we have to achieve the necessary efficiency to increase rentabildad your company.

increases the decisions-take process

Our ERP system put on dispouse a shared data repository with more information and with increased quality that the responsible eill can see on thei screen on real time, speeding up and increasing the decision-take progress

Greater control and traceability

An ERP is, basically, a transactional system, this means that it picks up and make a big data cuantity about the changes that happens on the organization as your activity consequence.

//did you know?//

Give more efficiency

We have all the company`s operation on a single system, thats why we can get significant improvements on efficiency, automatizating the administrative tasks. The operative processees of each company have always associated the administrative/financial document geneartion and a necessary proceed esecution that guarantees a fisic colaboration.

Low cost, greater competitiveness

If the prices competition is an important fact, our ERP can become on your best ally at the time to offer a more competitive price sithout distort your business model or decrease the offered value to your customers. if you can increase the eficiency obtained and show it on a price decrease, you will be taking advantage that will allow you to get better against your competitors.

Increases the operative capacity.

An efficiency improvement can be used to attend more clients, make more roducts or process more bills. This depends of the company`s strategy, but its always an essential step to all the companies that want to grow. accordingly, the ERP shall be there in any expansion plan that the company have in mind.