4999 Av. Primera Junta, Munro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Lun-Vie 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

+54 11 5217 9865

+54 11 5217 9866


Cloud management solutions

Our applications ERP MAS Account and LIMS MAS LABS are avaliable in the software as service (Sofware as a Services, SAAS)

The management software offers the micropymes and autonomous and important efficiency improvement on the diary activity development at establish a systematic and organizated work method. At the time, in reduce the time spent on the normal task that they realize, which is a productivity improvement.

This kind of sotfwate prevent the duplicated task execution and the errors commission on the data management, a lot of advantages that is a productivity improvement, thanks to the processees automation and the informetion integration on all the business processees.