4999 Av. Primera Junta, Munro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Lun-Vie 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.

+54 11 5217 9865

+54 11 5217 9866


Mobile solutions

Right now the outside home task of the central offices can not be excluded from the business circuit. This task needs to be included on the normal work flow, to not be rejected. With the mobile solution use, the exteriors processees avoid the traceability and vulnerability, minimize the loading times, and keep constantly sincronizated the interior and exterior areas from the company.

Thats s why we try to make that the task mentioned before have a mobile platform on real time sincronization, or in offline mode, to make that the external processees get integrated to the general circuit later.

This mobile tools can be used to get analytical indicators remotely, having a high quality profile, to get a real situation outlook of your company.